Why Emmanuel Church?

Our name Emmanuel is a Hebrew word that means “God with us.” We believe that God has come to the human race in the person of Jesus Christ to bring forgiveness and reconciliation. Through Christ, God is calling people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to worship and serve him.



God created us to find our joy in him as we grow in our relationship with him. This declaration of God’s ultimate worth is expressed in public worship. Our worship is guided by the Bible, and centers around reading and preaching the Word of God, prayer, singing of psalms and hymns, and administration of the sacraments.

We love to worship as families and encourage children to participate in the worship service. A child care room is available.  A time of fellowship follows the sermon.

We welcome you to worship with us!  Directions



Having been called into fellowship with God through Jesus Christ, we now share God’s grace together as the people of God.  In addition to our Sunday fellowship luncheon, we meet during the week in small groups for prayer, fellowship, and Bible study.  Contact us to inquire about a small group near you.  Get Connected.



Sharing the love of Christ with those in need often means leaving our comfort zone to minister into difficult life circumstances faced by our neighbours and community.  In addition to meeting specific needs, we support the following ministries:



Our Roots and Convictions

Emmanuel Church Meaford is a mission work of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, under the oversight of  Covenant OPC in Komoka, Ontario.

We believe the Bible to be the final authority in all matters of belief and practice and that the primary teaching of the Bible is faithfully summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.